What is the Private Health Information Statement (PHIS)?

The Private Health Information Statement is a high-level overview of your cover summarising the key product features and how products differ in both price and features

Does HIF have to provide the Private Health Information Statement (PHIS)?

Yes, we sure do. Private Health Insurers are required to provide a Private Health Information Statement (PHIS):

  • to newly insured people;
  • annually to currently insured persons on a domestic policy;
  • as soon as possible after the private health information statement that applies to your policy changes;
  • when a change is made that might be detrimental to an insured person;
  • upon request.

Important please note:

Members who hold an overseas policy will not receive a Private Health Information Statement (PHIS). If you’d like to request information about your policy, please email us at hello@hif.com.au or call us on 1300 134 060 and we’ll be happy to help.

Still confused? Here's a helpful video which will help you better understand PHIS: