Justin James
Executive Leader 

Justin's job is to lead our team to deliver the very best health fund for our community. Having worked in the health care sector for over ten years, Justin is extremely passionate about renewing member confidence in the industry, whilst also improving the value that HIF members receive from their cover. He loves working with diverse-minded people who are committed to listening, connecting and delivering an awesome member experience. Justin spends his spare time enjoying the many new experiences WA has to offer and is always on the hunt for interesting and unusual fungi.

Glenn Oellermann
Financial Leader

Glenn is our numbers guy. He's been working at HIF since 2005 (when he headed up what was then our commercial team). He played a pivotal role in HIF’s growth and development into a national member-focused health fund and is committed to the ongoing financial sustainability of HIF. When he's not chasing a dollar around the balance sheet, you’ll find him fishing in the ocean or a mountain stream and enjoying the great outdoors.

Belinda Goosen
Risk Leader 

Belinda is our Risk Leader. Her role is to protect the HIF community from unwanted risks and to build an internal culture that has the resilience to always do the right thing for our members. Prior to moving to Australia, she was a Senior Manager at Ernst & Young South Africa, advising multiple companies on all things risk-related. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, including her highly energetic puppy Ruby, and immersing herself in a good crime novel.

Nikesh Hirani
Data & Proposition Leader

Nikesh leads our Product, Health Services and Data Analytics teams and has worked in private health insurance for more than 10 years. He and his team are focussed on providing data driven insights to ensure the sustainability of HIF’s product portfolio while also looking for opportunities to continually improve member value. Nikesh made the move to Melbourne on the cusp of the global pandemic and is enjoying finally being able to explore the city. When he’s not at work he loves playing and watching sports, especially football (real football that is, soccer) and cricket though he recognises he may be waiting a long time to see England win the Ashes in Australia.

Jessica Blackwell
Culture Leader

Jessica is our people person. With over 15 years’ experience in human resources across a range of industries, she’s convinced that an engaged and supported team needs to be the core of every successful business. Jessica is passionate about ensuring that our people enjoy working at HIF so that they’re inspired to give our members the best possible experience too. When she’s not spending time with the HIF team, she’s at the beach running after her two boys or collating the perfect playlist.

Elizabeth Lefort
Marketing Leader

Liz leads our Marketing team in developing brand, communication and member programs that are creative in nature, but underpinned by business insights and data. She trusts her gut instinct and is always looking at ways to inspire and motivate people. Liz is forever curious and continuously learning; from her team, industry peers, other brands and market trends. The best part of the job for Liz is when she sees her team's marketing actions positively impacting members and the business. When not in the office Liz is on the seemingly endless hunt for the ultimate frizzfree hair product.

Trudy Adams
Strategy Leader

Trudy leads our Strategy and IT teams and loves working for organisations that are focussed on its members, people and community, which is why HIF was the perfect fit. Having worked in strategy and consulting for most of her career, her passion is to turn complex business issues into business improvements. Amongst many passions, she's on a mission to find the best chicken sandwich this country has to offer.

Chloe Leray
Business Support Manager

Chloe is our Business Support Manager, which means she's accountable for business planning, administration and leadership activity plus more. Her previous experience is in business support roles, having worked in different countries across the globe (including the UK, France, South Africa and the Caribbean). When she's not working, you'll find her enjoying the beautiful Australian outdoors either paddle boarding, kayaking or scuba diving.